To Grab The Right Knowledge With International Children Fiction Novels

To Grab The Right Knowledge With International Children Fiction Novels


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isn't a bird in sight so that tells me it will probably be raining for quite a while. Inside my condo it is about 69° and quiet. I love times like this when I can be with God without any distractions. It gives me a kind of peace and I am able to refuel for the days ahead. These are also the times I am able to look back and see the many times Jesus was by my side and yet other times how I pushed him away thinking I knew what was best for me. Luckily the older I get the smarter and stronger my faith becomes. I now know when to pick my battles and when to be quiet... Most of the time!

The poem below is called, "Do What's Right." We all have choices we must make every day. You may have lost a loved one and now have to deal with relatives. Will you keep your mouth shut even though they may be wrong? Maybe at work there are things being done that are illegal. Will you speak up or keep quiet? If you are in school and a fellow student makes a degrading comment about you or someone, will you say something? What if someone is asking you to lie? Will you? There are many times you will be confronted with the choice of doing what God says or being too afraid to speak up. What choice will you make?

About 20 years ago I worked for a home improvement company and was asked to lie on some papers that were being filled out with the wrong dollar amount. When I refused to lie, the sales manager yelled at me calling me names and said I was to do what he said. Needless to say when I didn't, about a week later my position at the company was deleted. I was told it was due to budget cuts. Was I scared? Yes. Did I cry when I lost my job? Yes. Was it unfair? Yes. Did I wish I had lied so I could have kept my job? No!

This same manager would call me names and tell lies about me. He did everything he could to make me quit, but I refused to let him bully me. He was in the wrong and I asked God to give me the strength to endure the unfairness and he did. I cried every night I got home from work, but I knew that God's will be done and it would be in his time and not mine.

No matter what you are up against, please know that God is right behind you and has your back. Life is hard, but God is great. Stand up for what is right no matter what the consequence. God will be faithful and in the end you will triumph. That company I had worked for... They closed their doors less than 3 months later!

Make it a fantastic day and remember you are a child of God so do what's right. You are representing Him. He will always have your back.


Do What's Right

I got to stand with Jesus today. I felt so scared inside.

No one knew that I was scared or the many tears I cried.

I prayed for strength to do what's right and the I prayed some more.

It's hard to go against the grain when you don't know what's in store.

I only knew I'd do what's right no matter what was said.

I'd use my heart to help me feel and then I'd use my head.

It's sometimes hard to walk by faith, but it's the only thing to do.

Deep inside you may know the cost, but you have to see it through.

No matter the outcome keep the faith and know God will win the fight.

You may not see the difference today, but time will make it right.

One day things will become new. One day you, too, will see -

God reaching out his arms to you saying,"Come... Come to me!"

Always remember God loves you. There is nothing that you lack.

Stand your ground and do what's right.God will always has your back.

Heaven's Roll Call is a privately own non-profit Christian company who uses Christian inspirational poems and Bible verses to help those who are grieving or 

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